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House rules

We welcome all new clients to attend a meet & treat prior to any grooming appointments.
These are priced at £10 and can be deducted off the total cost of your first appointment should you choose to book with us. We may not be the correct groomer for everyone and there is no obligation to book an appointment with us should you wish not to. 
We believe in open communication-  please be honest with all aspects that may be discussed. Meet and treats give us a opportunity to meet both you and your pet to assess behaviour and your expectations for grooming to see if we are an appropriate fit. 

Due to the nature and principles of our salon we ask that you attend your appointment in a calm manner where possible as this will benefit your pet-. It is understandable that you may feel anxious or worried about leaving your pet or you may anticipate the worst from their behaviour, however this energy can transfer to your pet making them feel just as anxious as you. Under no circumstances will aggressive and negative mannerisms be tolerated towards the salon, pets and colleagues.


General Terms and conditions

  • In accordance to the Animal welfare act we will not de-matt your pet for any longer than 15 minutes. If your pet is matted/knotty after this time you will be notified that the best solution will be to cut the matts from the coat- this could mean altering the original style request or in extreme cases this can mean a short shave of the affected areas or whole coat. If clipping is not agreed Constellation pet spa reserves the right to refuse grooming services either before or during the grooming process as we will prioritise the animals welfare. The full appointment cost will still be due regardless of the final outcome. Severe matting can occur a charge of £10 additional to the appointment price to accommodate the extra time and wear on the equipment.

  • Please be honest with your pets behaviour and temperament. We are willing to work with most pets as long as you provide us with open communication. Please tell us if your pet is aggressive or reactive towards dogs, people or any of the grooming process. Ultimately we do not like using muzzles unless your pet is trained to wear one and is comfortable. However, if there is a safety risk we need to know in order to avoid any injuries to ourselves.

  • If your pet exhibits high stress behaviours, extreme aggression or medical concerns, Constellation pet spa reserves the right to refuse or stop services at any point before, during or after the grooming process.

  • Constellation pet spa reserves the right to refuse any customer without reason.

  • We are willing to work with most pets but may advise you if our environment or facilities are not suitable- in this case we may advise another groomer that can accommodate your specific needs.

  • Grooming procedures can sometimes expose hidden medical problems or aggravate a current one either during or after the grooming process. Constellation pet spa will obtain immediate veterinary treatment should we deem it necessary, or advise you to seek veterinary treatment, and it is agreed that all expenses will be covered by the owner of the pet upon signing the contract, Constellation pet spa will not be liable.

  • If we find fleas or parasites on your pet you will be contacted to be notified. In extreme cases we reserve the right to refuse or stop grooming services. A flea charge will be added to the cost of the groom at £10 per pet unless the presence of fleas had been notified before the appointment- in this instance a fee of £3 per animal will be applied to cover the cost of a flea specific shampoo.

  • We do not express anal glands, and believe this should be done at your veterinary surgery if needed.

  • Ears will only be plucked upon request before the scheduled appointment. We may advise the vets if your pet will not tolerate us plucking.

  • We will not groom any pets that are in season or during any stages of pregnancy due to the high risk of stress for your pet. If your pet cones into season during the grooming process we will immediately stop the groom and arrange another appointment.

  • Late collection may result in a fee of £15 per hour due to the impact on other appointments- please notify us of any potential delays to avoid any charges.

  • Constellation pet spa will not be responsible for the loss if any personal items in the salon.

  • No shows or last minute cancellations (less than 24 hours notice) will result in £20 deposit per pet to secure your next booking. This will remain on your account for as long as you require our services. However the fee will be retained by Constellation pet spa if another last minute cancellation or no show happens after the payment of the £20 deposit. The fee will then need to be repaid if you would like to rebook after this or we may refuse to provide future grooming services.

  • CCTV, photographs and videos may be taken of your pet to document their time in the salon. These may include but are not limited to taking evidence of any medical or behaviour issues we many find, documenting the condition of your pets coat, or for use on social media platforms.

  • If you are dissatisfied with your grooming appointment please contact us within 48 hours. Any alterations to the groom, medical issues, price queries or refunds notified after this time period will not accepted and will not be the responsibility of Constellation pet spa.

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